The Aftermath at Leavenworth

After the intense events at Leavenworth, our adventurers wasted no time scavenging everything that wasn’t nailed down. Their meticulous search left Leavenworth as nothing more than a pile of stones. As they were about to conclude their scavenging mission, Tarkus noticed movement and heard a radio playing from a ruined house on the outskirts of town.

Listen to Home Sweet Home Episode 3: A Triumphant Return on Spotify.

A Mysterious House

Curiosity led the group to investigate the house. They found Prometheus, a cooking robot, and the skeletal remains of its previous master. Prometheus offered them a meal, and despite initial reservations about the ingredients, Morg and Good Boy enjoyed the food.

Moving to Fredonia

After a night’s rest, the group decided to head to the next town, Fredonia. There, they encountered a horde of 30 ghouls. With quick thinking, they devised a plan to dig a pit and set traps to handle the threat.

The Battle with the Ghouls

The plan worked brilliantly. The ghouls fell into the pit, and Prometheus’ Molotov cocktail set them on fire. The adventurers successfully cleared Fredonia and found valuable supplies, including a broken boat that they repaired to transport their newly acquired Brahmin.

Back at the Settlement

Returning to their settlement, the group activated the fusion generator, bringing power to the entire camp. They also repaired the water purifier, ensuring a steady supply of clean water for the settlers.

Planning the Next Steps

The episode concluded with the group discussing their next steps with John. They decided to set up a short-range radio and prioritize the defense of their settlement.

What do you think about the group’s strategy to handle the ghouls? Share your thoughts in the comments below!

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